
Our children are watching

Even during these complicated and challenging times, schools are busy cultivating future leaders, innovators, caretakers, scientists, educators, soldiers, artists, lawmaker . . . and the list goes on.

It is in school where children explore core academic content that prepares them to interpret, understand and contribute to the world around them.

It is also here where they learn and practice basic values and norms expected of them as community members — the very ideals that stitch together the fabric of our society.

They learn that honesty is the best policy — always — even when telling the truth is uncomfortable or scary; truthfulness earns us respect and creates space for people to work together to make things better. They learn to be fair and to stand up for others who are treated unjustly; when the playing field is even, everyone has an opportunity to excel, but when it is not, we must provide opportunities to establish equity.

They learn to respect and celebrate diversity; after all, to honor our differences is to enrich our collective experience and to strengthen our capacity to grow. They learn to help those in need, even when it requires making individual sacrifices of their own; to be selfless in service to others is the greatest gift we can give and yields the most bountiful rewards.

They learn to be kind to their friends and classmates even when they may disagree; kindness binds us as we cross difficult thresholds together, curiously seeking to better understand one another and the world around us.

What are children to think when they look beyond the scope of the classroom to see that many grown-ups – including some who hold important positions of power and influence – are not living by these basic values and norms? How might they make sense of the contradictory expectations set for them in school versus those being modeled by society?

Our children are watching.

Children are smart, and intuitive and observant. They shape inputs from the world around them to craft their own character.

Isn’t it the responsibility of all adults to provide children with inputs of the highest quality and integrity so that they, and our society, may flourish?

Our children are watching.

Children deserve role models who inspire goodness and who treat the fabric of society with care, reinforcing the ideological stiches rather than methodically unraveling them. Role models like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who embodied honesty, justice, respect, selfless service, and kindness and who was a pathmaker (to use one of her own terms), illuminating the way towards a better future for us all, a future that is inclusive and strives to strengthen the democratic ideals on which our nation was founded.

We stand at an historical moment – a pivotal time filled with great struggle and complexity – but also great opportunity and promise. The way we adults choose to respond and act will serve as a living lesson.

Will we model the ideals that we expect from our children? Or, will we forsake these values out of fear or political expediency?

The future is ours to shape. Our children are watching.


Sasha Wohlpart is a freelance writer and member of the Cedar Falls Community School District Board of Education.


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