
RBG’s death is relevant

With all due respect for the passing of Justice Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg, there are many tributes. Upon admiring her strength for some time and even purchasing her workout book, it’s important to me to share a few thoughts.

For many who experience this somber day and think — other than great sorrow for a life lost, how does this really apply to me? Despite how quickly we have become accustomed to the rights she helped us gain, it is important to pause to learn about her work’s relevance as Justice Ginsburg used education to bridge differences to bring about equal justice under the law. How often we can change our minds when we learn more about an issue. This was a mission of hers.

RBG’s work was not only about equality and women’s recognition, for she was a force in every decision coming before the courts during her tenure. She fought for men as well as for women, and her work solidified the foundations upon which we have come to rely.

A couple of things stand out to me. First, even though RGB is remembered as an advocate for gender equality, she was still a loyal, married women and mother. With equal treatment, the two traits are not mutually exclusive.

Secondly, RGB had respect from her initial adversaries because she presented reason, enlightened and educated bringing about understanding and, often, forming consensus.

One whom RGB immortalized was abolitionist Sarah Moore Grimké, whose profound statement, in more ways than one, rings true today.

“I ask no favor. All I ask is that they take their feet off our necks.”

And, it is worth reading about Sarah Grimke as her work is also prophetic for today.

As basic tenants, Grimke’s work, like RGB’s, was about integrity, equality, simplicity, community, stewardship of the Earth, and peace.

Justice Ginsburg leaves a legacy and a model for decency to be upheld for there is still so far to go. May she rest in peace.


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