
Daily Record, Sept. 21, 2023

Marshall County Courthouse


Sept. 20

• Ellis Shairone Oliver Lincoln made an initial appearance on a operating while under the influence-first offense charge, an open container charge and a failure to maintain control charge. The public defender’s office is appointed as counsel. The preliminary hearing is set for 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 9. A substance abuse evaluation is ordered with the results submitted to the court.

• Jeffry Lynn Schultz made an initial appearance on a contempt of court/violation of a no-contact order charge. The contempt hearing will be scheduled by the District Associate Court. A new no-contact order has been issued for the protected party.

• Jodi Lynn Skidmore made an initial appearance on a dog at large charge. Skidmore pleaded guilty and the fine is $105 with a $15.75 surcharge and $60 in court costs for a total of $180.75.

• Lisa Marie Hurd made an initial appearance on a theft-fourth degree charge. The public defender’s office is appointed as counsel. The preliminary hearing is set for 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 9.

• Alejandro Sanchez Chavez made an initial appearance on a dark window/windshield charge and a possession of drug paraphernalia charge. A pre-trial conference is set for 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 4 in Magistrate Court.

• Jaylynn Josie Bear made an initial appearance on a warrant for failure to appear for an initial appearance on a driving while revoked charge and an operating without registration charge. The public defender’s office is appointed as counsel. The preliminary hearing is set for 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 9.

• Kylie Nicole Eilander made an initial appearance on a possession of marijuana-first offense charge, a possession of alcohol by person 18/19/20-first offense charge and a person under 21 using tobacco or vapor product-first offense charge. The public defender’s office is appointed as counsel. The preliminary hearing is set for 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 9. A substance abuse evaluation is ordered with the results submitted to the court.

Property Transfers

Sept. 19

• Betty K. Lynch to Kelly J. Anderson, 3360 Garwin Road

• Nona M. Eaton to Damon and Heather Morrison, 1717 Country Club Lane

• TXBYR49 LLC to My H Dang, 8 Klaas Court

• TXBYR51 LLC to Andy N. Chau and Tung V. Nguyen, 11 Klaas Court

• Dorothy Kathryn Deines to Jeffrey W. and Julie E. Miller, 518 N. 16th St.

• OHP 36 LC to My H Dang, 6 Klaas Court

• OHP 28 LC to Andy N Chau, 4 Klaas Court

• OHP 52 LC to Andy N Chau and Tung V Nguyen, 9 Klaas Court

Marshalltown Police Department


• On Tuesday, Sept. 19, Jeffry Schultz, 60, was arrested for contempt of court/violation of a no-contact order.

Marshall County Sheriff


• On Tuesday, Sept. 19, Ellis Lincoln, 26, was arrested for failure to maintain control, open container and operating while under the influence-first offense.


• On Friday, Sept. 15, a caravan driven by Joshua William Banzhaf, 33, of Garwin, was westbound on Highway 30 when it struck a deer that entered the roadway resulting in heavy front end damage. No injuries were reported. Damage to the Banzhaf caravan was estimated at $7,500.

• On Monday, Sept. 4, a car driven by Andrew Scott Havens, 51, of Baxter, was southbound on Highway 330 when it struck a deer that entered the traveled portion of the roadway. No injuries were reported. Damage to the Havens car was estimated at $6,500.


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