
Your View

Unholy alliance

Looking back over time, it becomes apparent that two man-made and inherently perverse Euro-American systems have long worked together to dominate and maintain control over populations. The first, Christianity, a spiritual belief system originally designed by males to keep power at the top one ...

Term limits

Does this country need anymore evidence why we don't need anymore career politicians? We see first hand why we don't. They just can't give up the power. They thrive on control, and they don't want to give it up. Wake up people this country is going down a rat hole. We need term limits to get ...

Breakdown in communication

When I was 60 years old I got a computer. That was 28 years ago and I have not become a learned user. I am very good at turning it on and off. There are many technical things one can do to prevent others from stealing or deleting your material. I just plod along in absent-minded hope that no ...

Therapeutic recreation cuts at IVH

As a retired Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (TRS) from the Iowa Veterans Home, I was saddened and shocked to hear that the Recreation Department was being cut. I would like to share some of the visions of Mr. Jack Dack, former Commandant for many years, when he included a Therapeutic ...

IVH cutting TRS will see decline in admissions and resident well-being

As a former TRS at the IVH from October 2015-May 2017, I can confidently say that the team (who remains mostly the same) is not only beyond exceptional, but absolutely necessary to residents’ physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Chaplains and TRS keep these residents engaged and ...

Support professional staff at IVH

I am a retired Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (TRS) from the Iowa Veterans Home. The news of the administration decimating the recreation department is absolutely heartbreaking. The reduction of Rec Therapists to activities assistance is comparable to reducing RNs and LPNs to Certified ...