Marshall County Courthouse
Oct. 3
• Adelfio Fredrick Lamonto made an initial appearance on three counts of a probation violation charge. Marshon Dubbert is appointed as counsel. The probation revocation hearing will be scheduled by the District Associate Court. Lamonto is being ...
Watching Trump spew his racist vomit about Haitian immigrants during the presidential debate and then listening to him compare the black candidate for North Carolina governor as King on steroids to me is the last straw, a dagger into the heart of common decency. Americans need to understand the ...
Last week there was a front page article in the TR entitled “Meet the grand marshall” referring to the Oktemberfest parade that occurred this past weekend in our town. My question is: why was this “creative weirdo,” as he described himself in the article, chosen as the grand marshall of ...
Recently, the Iowa Legislature passed sweeping property tax reform. This was a change for all local government bodies in their budgeting process. Per Iowa Code 331.510, the auditor is responsible for the annual valuation report due to both the Department of Management and the governing body of ...
With mere weeks remaining until the November 5th election, it is so very important that voters within District 4 vote Republican, and cast your ballot for Mark Doland, Supervisor. Mark is undoubtedly the strongest, most conservative and ethical candidate southern Tama County has ever had in any ...
I just read that Police Chief Tupper would like to dispose of the bicycles found by police officers. I want to propose that numerous children in Marshalltown would love to have a bike to ride. Instead of disposing of the bikes, how about setting up a day or two when children accompanied by ...