
Under Tonya Gaffney’s watch

Thank you for the front-page expose dated 3/26/24 highlighting community censors support for an accomplished, proven, censoring library board president, Tonya Gaffney.

Under her watch, a patron was labeled “our problem patron,” a bully, a harasser, a mayor, a 75-year-old, and a resident of an unincorporated “town.”

Under her watch, public discourse on agenda items at the time they are considered, has been eliminated. Now, agenda items can only be commented on for 180 seconds at the top of the meeting without having a clue as to what will be said by board members when the agenda item comes up later in the meeting.

Under her watch, Statements of Concern can only address approved matters. Some matters, as actually stated on the Statement form, and recommended by the State Library, can only be addressed once in 5 years. What is the point of providing a Statement of Concern process if only approved topics are allowed? Patrons must submit a Statement of Concern in order to make the agenda. Rosenblum and Gaffney have rejected at least 15 of my statements in order to keep them off the meeting agenda.

Under her watch, with Kevin Pink acting in her behalf, board meeting decorum was not maintained when Mayor Pro-tem and Councilman Ladehoff yelled at Ray and myself for not accepting a board action that did not abide by the patron friendly Statement of Purpose, Freedom to Read, or Library Bill of Rights. Those three principles have never been mentioned or encouraged by the board, the director, or State Library in a year and a half. Patrons are expected to address the board and maintain composure. Evidently, since councilmen appoint trustees, self-control by them is not required. The councilman should look to the “problem patron” and friends for examples of civil behavior.

Under her watch, compromise has not been achieved. Patrons can only place copies of the Epoch Times and The American Rifleman on the recycle counter in an obscure corner where they can be removed by disgruntled staff or patrons. I have seen them covered with rubbish or buried in a bin to hide them from the public.

Under her watch, biased information from the for profit and unchecked fact check industry is considered gospel.

Heaven forbid under her watch, MPL would be the first library in Iowa to curate The Epoch Times and The American Rifleman.


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