

Recreation supervisor updates council on ice rink closure

Todays News

A social media post from the Marshalltown Parks and Recreation Department last week informed the public that the downtown ice rink at the southwest intersection of Center and Main streets would be closed for the remainder of the season due to “unforeseen circumstances” but did not go into ...

Oklahoma man dies after Feb. 4 accident in Marshalltown

Todays News

An Oklahoma man has succumbed to injuries he sustained in a crash near the intersection of Iowa Avenue and 18th Avenue last week. According to a press release, officers from the Marshalltown Police Department (MPD) and deputies with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) responded to ...

Barker leading the way on PBM reform legislation

Todays News

Some Marshall County residents have been burdened with the price of their prescriptions. Rep. Brett Barker (R-Nevada), who represents residents to the north and west of Marshalltown in House District 51, is working on a bill he hopes will bring some relief. “The issue is affordable ...

Marshalltown area sees biggest snowfall of the season

Todays News

T-R PHOTOS BY ROBERT MAHARRY Although it started relatively slowly in the morning, Marshalltown and Marshall County received an estimated five to seven inches of snow — the most precipitation of the winter thus far — throughout the day on Wednesday. Plows, snowblowers and shovels were a ...

Daily Record, Feb. 14, 2025

Daily Record

Marshall County Courthouse Court Feb. 13 • Marco Octavio Venegas made an initial appearance on a failure to appear for an initial on a probation violation charge. Mark Torche is appointed as counsel. The District Associate Court will schedule the probation revocation hearing. Bond is ...