Craft group starts in Marshalltown, meets weekly

T-R PHOTOS BY LANA BRADSTREAM — Craft enthusiasts gather at Artemis Tavern for their first meeting on Wednesday. The group will meet at Artemis Tavern, and coordinator Sloan Galvan invites anyone who enjoys crafts to join. The next meeting is on Sunday.
Sloan Galvan wanted to start a craft group in Marshalltown, and turned to social media to see if there was interest. Galvan reached out to the Marshalltown Area Stitch n B**** group on Facebook, but found there hadn’t been activity for the last two years. She was told she could go ahead and try to get something going again, and put out a call.
Enough people responded so Galvan scheduled the first gathering of the Marshalltown Area Craft Group on Wednesday, attracting seven enthusiasts.
“A bunch of people saw it and reacted, so I thought this was something we could do,” she said.
One of the hold-ups Galvan learned the other craft group had was a lack of meeting space. Fortunately, she had a Nicholas Center venue the group could readily use — Artemis Tavern, a gaming, anime and collectible store owned by her and her husband Fernando.
“I thought I could help support this,” she said.

Sloan Galvan crochets during the first meeting of craft fans on Wednesday. She and her husband own Artemis Tavern, and she is utilizing the space to serve as the meeting area.
At least five other people who expressed interest in the first meeting were unable to because of work commitments. Galvan, 32, said she would talk to the members and think of alternate times in the week for the meetings, such as after business hours or on the weekends.
“That is what I was trying to do with this meeting, is get together and see what times we needed to do,” she said.
During the first meeting, Galvan worked on a crochet granny-square bag. Her craft has expanded beyond the standard afghans or pot holders since she started doing it seriously in 2013. Galvan also creates and sells crochet animals — one of which is a Pokemon character displayed in Artemis.
“My kids will see them and grab them,” she said, laughing.
Six other Marshalltown Area Craft Group members sat at a table on Wednesday, sharing their stories and laughing while knitting needles and crochet hooks moved and one member worked on a diamond painting.
“They work on their projects,” she said. “I was debating trying to offer classes if it was wanted. I know crochet and maybe some other people could do whatever their crafts are. Maybe we can learn something from each other.”
When people see someone working on a craft project, sometimes their interest is piqued, Galvan said. By getting together and perhaps teaching how to do some of the crafts, she said a person’s world can be opened up a little bit.
That is something Galvan wanted to bring through the group. After she moved to Marshalltown from Ottumwa, she noticed there was not a regular gathering of crafty people. Galvan missed the Ottumwa craft group she had joined.
“It was really great to get together and work with people,” she said. “It was a nice way to talk to people who do your same stuff.”
Galvan received some definite boons from becoming a craft group member. There are therapeutic benefits to joining a craft group, she said.
“A lot of times, I’m sitting in my room, doing my own craft in an insulated world, in a place where I can’t share anything,” Galvan said. “Meeting someone who crochets, who knits, we could share the same problems. It helps with mental health and with getting friends.”
Socializing with new people, making new friends can be a struggle for some adults. She was talking with an interested person who said they would love to go out, do things and meet people, but wanted social opportunities they were comfortable with.
“You can make new friendships with someone you have something in common with,” Galvan said.
Ultimately, she said the group is designed to create a safe place for crafters to go, teach about their crafts, plug into that creative spirit and make those friendships. Galvan also wants the meetings open to all types of crafts, even 3D printing. Some of the groups she joined in the past were kind of exclusive, she said.
“They didn’t say you couldn’t come, but they had a snooty attitude about who could come,” Galvan said. “That’s what I don’t want to foster. If you walk in and want to do diamond paintings or yarn work, we’re not going to say no. Come in, sit with us, talk with us, share your experience, share what you’re doing. There is a benefit to that. I want to make sure, no matter what you do, you can overcome boundaries and talk to somebody who does something different.”
Galvan said interested crafters can join the Facebook book, or contact her through Artemis Tavern at 641-758-3366. Upcoming meetings will be posted on the Marshall County Outreach page. The Marshalltown Area Craft Group meets every week. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday at 2 p.m. at Artemis Tavern.
Contact Lana Bradstream at 641-753-6611 ext. 210 or
- T-R PHOTOS BY LANA BRADSTREAM — Craft enthusiasts gather at Artemis Tavern for their first meeting on Wednesday. The group will meet at Artemis Tavern, and coordinator Sloan Galvan invites anyone who enjoys crafts to join. The next meeting is on Sunday.
- Sloan Galvan crochets during the first meeting of craft fans on Wednesday. She and her husband own Artemis Tavern, and she is utilizing the space to serve as the meeting area.