
Our Veterans deserve the best!

T-R FILE PHOTO District 52 Rep. Sue Cahill (D-Marshalltown) speaks at the protest in front of the Iowa Veterans Home on July 17. The protest drew almost 100 people to the IVH gate before walking up the hill to protest in front of Sheeler Hall.

Every Veteran living at the Iowa Veterans Home (IVH) is my constituent. Many of the over 700 employees who serve these Veterans also live in my House District. My number one priority is to make sure we are fulling serving our Veterans as they have served us.

Commandant Todd Jacobus sent a letter to IVH Staff concerning a staff realignment on July 8. He stated that the needs of Veterans and spouses have evolved over time. He stated that the cost of care is increasing while federal reimbursements are not matching the cost of care. He continued that the realignment is a strategic decision to position IVH to provide the best support for the residents.

I agree with Commandant Jacobus that the care of Veterans and spouses should drive all decision-making processes. He stated in the letter that the realignment will result in a more efficient and responsive support to residents by putting more staff in direct-care roles. I was also told that there would be approximately $400,000 in net budget savings.

Last week, employees, community members and Veterans held a rally at the IVH front gates. They peacefully wanted to share their concerns about the realignment taking place at the facility. The employees are also very concerned about the care and opportunities for Veterans and their spouses. They appreciate the service the Veterans have provided for our country and its citizens. They feel their ability to serve the Veterans could be compromised with fewer staff and fewer opportunities for activities and services. At the rally, Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs leadership agreed to meet with employees about their concerns. I hope this was a productive meeting.

Serving our Veterans is the number one priority of the IVH staff. Serving them means ensuring they have the care and resources to meet their needs. Serving them means providing quality medical care and adequate staffing. Serving them means providing opportunities for outings and recreational activities to keep their bodies and minds sound.

Serving our Veterans means providing those staff members who work with them each day, a safe and positive work environment. The workers need an environment in which they can use the best of their talents and abilities for the good of the Veterans.

Our Veterans deserve the best care possible, the best employees possible in the best working conditions possible. They deserve adequate funding for their medical needs and for the employees who deliver their care. Our Veterans deserve our best and the best the state has to offer.

If this is truly a budget problem, a problem in which we need more funding to provide the skyrocketing medical costs, then Governor Reynolds can fix this issue by the end of the week.

Recently, Gov. Reynolds announced that the state will provide $56 million more in money for private school vouchers than the State budgeted. The cost of the outside company to oversee the voucher program more than doubled what was projected. The State seems to find the money for these educational programs. Yet, we are short-changing our Veterans? I don’t get it. I hear the words from the Governor and Legislature that they support our Veterans and there were some additional funds allocated to IVH this past session.

But apparently this is not enough. Our Veterans should be the last to experience realignment of services and activities due to budget cuts. They served their country and sacrificed for us! If this is a budget problem Governor Reynolds can solve this by fully funding the Iowa Veterans Home. She can find money in the State’s reserves where she seems to find the funds for the voucher programs.

Our Veterans deserve the best, they have earned it.


Sue Cahill, a Democrat from Marshalltown,

represents District 52 in the Iowa House.

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