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Thoughts on recent articles

I saw two Republican related articles on the front page, last time. Congressman Naig looking of the slaughterhouse and the renovations at the old church. First off the slaughter house got 12 million dollars to expand their facility, but because they said construction cost were high, they’d ...

Eat taco pizza and take action this Earth Day

When many people think of Iowa, the first things that come to mind are probably corn, taco pizza, and an endless thirst for Busch Light. But as we celebrate Earth Day on Monday, April 22, it’s time to add another item to that list: the remarkable resilience and creativity of Iowans in the ...

Do major oil companies care about global warming?

Oil prices skyrocketed in 2022, to record profits of $200 billion by Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron. My question is this, do major oil companies care more about profit making than they do about global warming and saving our planet earth from being destroyed? Time is running out.

Golf etiquette

Lincoln Valley Golf members recently got a letter from their golf course grounds Superintendent Dustin Eggers. He was telling members he just spent $15,000. On grass seed for 8 of the fairways. Now we are waiting for rain and warm weather for the seed to grow. This may take weeks to grow hoping ...

Iowa 911

Almost 600 Iowa bodies of water are impaired according to the newest DNR water report. The main cause of river and stream pollution is bacteria, which indicates animal feces. In addition, we are the second highest state for cancer risk. Cancer is up 11% in Iowa, now 21,000 Iowans develop ...

CAPS makes a positive impact

With this being Child Abuse Prevention month I want to give a shout out to CAPS – Child, Adolescent, Parent Support- a local non-profit service agency which is quietly, but profoundly impacting the lives of our neighbors in our community. The agency evolved from a focus on abuse prevention, ...