
The right to be “none”

A woman wrote to your paper claiming many things, but the one I would like to talk about is the misunderstanding she says about Freedom from religion. She only has the right to be free from governments who forced everyone into one belief. That’s what governments were doing in the old ways of living. Germany forced all to be Catholics: then Luther rebelled and forced them to rethink. America, in deciding this moral dilemma, did not say that we are free from religion; we are only free from anyone in government moving us to one faith. We are free to choose our own way to believe in the hereafter, which Mary has done. Certainly God has His own idea about what people should be doing. In Mathew 28:18-20 He says that the truth of His words should be taken to the ends of the earth. That is a command for Christians to tell who God is; it does not allow us to be camped on anyone’s doorstep. We are simply to tell, and yes, Mary, we have that right to tell. We cannot back away from that commandment. Whether you choose religion or not is up to you. But the warning that Scripture gives is that we must not “Grieve the Holy Spirit.” It is the work of the Spirit to place before all of us, the truth of God’s words. By placing ourselves in the “none box” we have stymied the work of the Spirit. The Spirit cannot get by the hardness surrounding our heart. We may want freedom from those who attempt to bring us into a belief in God, but to disbelieve Him forever, has a strong penalty. It severs any future togetherness we might want in eternity. Individuals and Governments may think they have a right to make us “One religion” but you are right, the choice is yours — just don’t let it become deadly to you.


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