
Outdoors Today

Sand Prairie to host national visitors

Prairies are grasslands, specifically many species of native grasses and a host of flowers and other non-woody vegetation types. These native grasslands were the culmination of very long geological processes whereby nature filled the voids on open landscapes long after thick glacial ice caps ...

Fundraiser events add special zest to conservation funding

Fundraising is an ongoing endeavor for conservation organizations. While the typical flow and majority of funds into a state’s natural resource department of fish, game and law enforcement comes primarily from fishing, hunting and fur harvest license sales from residents, there are additional ...

Summer sizzles with things to do

Summer season will officially arrive on June 21. Summer marks that celestial position of Earth in its orbit around the sun whereby the northern hemisphere has its axis tilted as far toward the sun as it will be all year. The axial tilt is approximately at an angle to the plane of orbit of ...

Teaching moments for outdoor adventures

Naturalists are folks who enjoy the art and science of teaching, learning, and encouraging people to engage and interact with the natural world of wonders. The big wide world and its natural systems of seasons always brings along with it reasons to enjoy, to learn, to participate in adventures ...

Oriole cousins with contrast

May 13, one week ago, was dubbed the 2023 World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD). This time frame has been ongoing for about 30 years to strive to help educate the public about the importance of migratory bird conservation efforts. It is known that over 100 species of birds nest in the Midwest. ...

Red-headed Woodpecker dressed in full color

The Red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) is one of the first birds any young person may learn to identify as their curious minds begin to notice birds. The sharply defined colors of its feathers make this an easy task. When flying, the contrast of black and white wings ...