
15 Minutes


Resides: In Marshalltown area for 25 years, in town for two years.

Hometown: Northport, New York


Family: I have two great daughters. Eliza Smith — she completed her Bachelor of Arts from Iowa State University and Master of Arts in Vocal Performance from University of North Texas and is singing her way through life. Olivia — has worked at the Marshalltown Public Library for the past five years and currently on her BA at ISU.

Pets: A Corgi named Rosie and my grand pup, a Schnoodle named Luna.

Hobbies and interests: This part would take more than 15 minutes, but current top three are gardening, painting and all things related to food- growing, cooking, eating and preserving. I help plan and maintain the native prairie plantings at Marshalltown Community College and Public Library, and welcome any interested or “wannabe” gardeners to volunteer! If you see me out in the gardens, please stop by to learn about what we are doing.


Occupation: I am a professor of Biology at MCC and am also finishing up my third degree — a Sustainable Masters in Business Administration.

What that means: My teaching emphasis is health — specifically student, community and environmental. My graduate studies emphasize long-term business. That is, accounting for impacts on the economy, the society and environment.


Books: “Blessed Unrest,” by Paul Hawken, Amory and Hunter Lovins, “Thinking in Systems” by Donella Meadows, and anything by Janet Evanovich or Terry Pratchett — they make me laugh out loud.

Movies: Christmas movies And “The King of Hearts (subtitled version), “Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid,” “The Goonies,” “Moonstruck,” “Chocolat,” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” “Moonrise Kingdom,” “Interstellar’ and “Arrival.”

Foods: Dark chocolate (especially with fruit), all nut butters, gyros and all other Greek foods, Maria’s (of Marshalltown) chorizo tacos, New York hot dogs and pastrami (Not the healthiest, but as my Nana said, “Anything in moderation”).

Sports: Skiing, horse-back riding, swimming, biking, hiking, and anything with horses and soccer. I enjoy watching the Winter Olympics.


Best part of living here: The best part of living in Iowa is Iowa prairies and the vast sky. In Marshalltown — amazing amenities such as the Public Library, Fisher Community Center, Parks and Recreation system, Grimes Farm Nature Center, and community college, including the Orpheum Performing Arts Center.

Most influential people: Those influencing me daily even though they are no longer on terra firma are my mom, my Aunt Polly and my Nana. My fifth-grade teacher — Helen Partridge Huntley — who taught school and swimming until she was 72. My kids constantly surprise and inspire me. I also greatly admire Mother Theresa, Gloria Steinem, Al Gore, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, and Jesus Christ, in no particular order.

Local involvement: Guerilla gardener- doing my part, anywhere I can, one weed at a time; lots of volunteering over the years

Advice on life: Savor life, every moment of it.


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