
Remember to stay cool in this heat

Marshall County Public Health Nurse Pat Thompson wants everyone to be aware of the heat. The past few days have not been cool and the next few days are not going to be, either.

“Older and younger people, and those with pre-existing conditions who are predisposed to heat-related problems, should take more precautions,” she said.

She urges people to stay in the shade, drink extra fluids and wear loose and light clothing. When possible, Thompson said get into air conditioning.

“Just two hours per day in air conditioning will greatly reduce the stress heat has on your body,” she said.

Two public places Thompson suggested in Marshalltown with air conditioning are the Marshalltown Public Library and the Marshalltown Mall.

Heat-related symptoms she said people should watch out for are:

• Cramps

• Exhaustion

• Pale skin

• Headache

• Heavy sweating

• Fainting

• Nausea.

Thompson is not the only one who is issuing statements about heat. Alliant Energy is offering the following tips to help customers stay cool and reduce their energy usage. Energy bills tend to increase in the hot months.

• Turn up the thermostat a few degrees. Setting the thermostat as high as possible while staying comfortable will save energy.

• Close the shades. Keep unused rooms cooler by keeping the shades closed.

• Use ceiling fans when possible. Remember to turn off fans when leaving a room.

• Unplug unused electronics. Electronics and small appliances that are off but plugged in are still using power.

• Do not use the TV for background noise. Instead, use a radio or a white noise app on a phone to use less energy.


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