
UnityPoint Health hospital officially opens

The new UnityPoint Health hospital in Marshalltown became fully operational Wednesday morning with the move of the emergency room and medical/surgical unit.

In a related move, the 108-year-old hospital downtown was permanently closed for business at 7 a.m., when emergency care transitioned exclusively to the new hospital.

The new hospital is a beautiful, $38.4 million expansion of the existing medical park. It’s located just south of where Highways 30 and 14 intersect, and it’s opening marks a historic day in the history of health care in Marshalltown.

“We’re so excited to finally see this day come,” said Shari King, hospital administrator. “It’s been a lot of work, but we have a beautiful facility to show for it, and it will serve us very well. I’m especially thrilled for the people of Marshalltown. This community has waited a long time for something like this and we’re grateful for the opportunity to share it with them.”

The new hospital has retained all services provided by the old hospital and may still be reached at 641-754-5151.


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