
BCLUW High School student arrested for ‘threats of terrorism’

CONRAD — A 17-year-old has been arrested and charged with a felony count of making threats of terrorism at BCLUW High School in Conrad after the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office opened an investigation into the matter on Thursday.

The juvenile is not identified in the press release the sheriff’s office shared on social media Saturday morning, but the release does provide some details about the nature of the investigation.

“The Grundy County Sheriff’s Office responded to the school at the beginning of the school day to provide security while deputies investigated the threats. Deputies also spent the day interviewing students,” it reads.

The juvenile was booked into The Grundy County Jail and transferred to a juvenile detention center, where the individual remains in custody. The case remains under investigation.

BCLUW Superintendent Ben Petty sent an email to district students, parents and guardians addressing the situation, seeking to provide accurate information and “discourage rumors.”

“Recently, we became aware of allegations of a threat of violence toward the school by a student. We, and local law enforcement, and our staff worked with the Grundy County Sheriff’s Department, witnesses and others to assess the credibility of the threat,” Petty wrote. “While this is an ongoing investigation by law enforcement, no students were placed in immediate danger. Based on the investigation today, law enforcement has taken the situation into their hands for the next level of investigation.”

The email adds that as a result of the threats, the district had a law enforcement presence onsite Thursday and expects to have “increased presence and heightened security going forward.”

“We will not tolerate threats of any nature, especially when they disrupt the school day and result in countless hours of work to determine their validity and secure the safety of students and staff,” it reads.

The email concludes with a message of thanks to students for their communication and cooperation on the matter and encourages students, parents and staff to contact district leaders with any concerns regarding potential threats in the future or report them anonymously through the Iowa Safe and Sound program.

Petty could not be immediately reached for further comment.


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