
May 2, 2024 – The National Day of Prayer and Fasting

Marshalltown/ Marshall County, please join us on a day set apart to fast and pray!

We sense the shift and the NEW time frame that is tangibly upon us. We see changes coming upon the horizon. With that, we also hear the call of the Father as He is beckoning to us out of His great, abiding, and abundant love to do 3 things on May 2, 2024, as we honor the National Day of Prayer.


You and I have been created for THIS time, THIS moment, to CHOOSE Him above all else; COMMIT to Him above the voices, the raw and emotional conflicts, and opinions we are witnessing. We are no longer to be tossed, torn between ‘two opinions’, but to enter into His COMMUNION.

His deep love and emotional cry to us is declaring, “Marshalltown, it’s time to ARISE into our position for such a time as this”, (Esther 4:14), just as He had called Esther into her position for a nation to be delivered. We too, have been called – we too have been chosen and now POSITIONED to be His, ‘city on a hill that cannot be hidden’. (Matthew 5:14), His light to the nations! He is calling us from the ’30-fold; the 60-fold harvest, and into His 100-fold, allowing His Spirit to actually produce what has yet to be witnessed in our time. We are called to be an EPICENTER of the most POWERFUL love ever known to man as He inhabits His Body – His Bride – His Church.

Marshalltown/County has actually been established at a great and Holy advantage. God gave us ‘markers’ of promises that were laid in our very foundation. These ‘natural’ signs are an arrow – pointing to our redemptive purpose. These revelations reveal who we are and and fashioned to be.

These have kept His Church in prayer for years believing that it will happen – including this prayer task force for over 15 years.

Our city were founded on our literal ‘good water’ and a mineral healing spring, right here! Our history reveals that we would literally give FREE WATER to those who came to build and set up their businesses. The mineral, healing springs was an influence for the Iowa Veterans Home to be built in Marshalltown. Now, His Spirit points to those markers/ blessings, stirring us to believe for His Spirit’s outpouring: “He said to me, ‘It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.”

Revelation 21:6. We are to be carriers of this Living Water.

Now, more than ever He is saying, ‘Choose this day who you are going to serve’ as the timetable moves forward! Commit to it, and He will pour out His Spirit as the FREE and LIVING WATER that He promised. We have been entrusted with greatness and purpose from the beginning, and now friends, the nations are gathered right here within our city who THIRST for that Living Water.

It’s time for ‘Stephens’, who was a mere table waiter in the book of Acts, to arise and be filled with God’s 100-fold promise. It’s time for the ‘Peters’ to walk so full of God’s Spirit that his very shadow brought a life-changing event to those it touched! Marshalltown, HE IS FOR YOU and He longs to do so much more for us, through us and over us. He is calling and will we turn and listen – respond and follow?

Can we be leaders of His Presence? Can we come together as One body, with One purpose, One hope, One calling, believing that He wants only GOOD for us – longing to hold us, protect us, bless us, restore us, and redeem us from a world that is shifting every moment?

If so, please join us on May 2nd for a day set apart for prayer and fasting. Open your homes and churches and prayer rooms for a time like no other to CHOOSE and COMMIT to His call.

With that, we personally would like to recognize and honor our very own Mayor Greer, for always faithfully signing the Proclamation of Prayer for our city/county. THANK YOU!

Finally, in closing, there are 2 Pastors in our community that have been strong supporters of the Prayer Task Force and the passion for Marshalltown’s calling. I want to end with heartfelt quotes from Pastor Bob Kosbau of Grace Church and Pastor Jeff Kodis of 1st United Methodist Church.

“This National Day of Prayer 2024 could not come at a better time for us as a community! One of my favorite quotes on prayer is from John Piper who said, “You cannot know what prayer is for until you know that life is war.” Christians must have a wartime mentality because we truly are in a spiritual battle that involves unseen forces that we are often unaware of (Eph. 6:10-13). We must not be ignorant of our enemy’s schemes and be diligent to “fight the good fight” on our knees. I need this reminder, and I thank God that our leaders have set aside Thursday, May 2nd as our National Day of Prayer! Let us, as His church, join our hearts in prayer and fasting knowing that our Lord Jesus Christ has won the ultimate victory for us through His death and resurrection and that He always leads us in His triumph!” Pastor Bob Kosbau said.

“God invites us into a life-long journey of faith, but He does not force this relationship upon us. The Father throws open the door for us through His Son, Jesus Christ and allows us to Choose. This is not merely a choice we make in a moment of time, but also a choice we make with our entire life – laying down our lives daily for the sake of others and to the glory of God,” Pastor Jeff Kodis.

The Marshall County Prayer Task Force sponsors 3 events each year and we are so thankful for the continued participation and support from our community!

• The National Day of Prayer

• Come Together Gathering – (Danielle Gudith)

• Inspire Our Schools


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