
Marshalltown woman charged in connection with accidental shooting

A Marshalltown woman is facing a total of five criminal charges — including two felonies — over allegations that she allowed a child access to a loaded handgun that was accidentally discharged and injured both her and the child.

On Thursday, Brandy Michelle Glick, 39, was arrested for neglect or abandonment of a dependent person, a Class C felony, child endangerment, a Class D felony, two counts of child endangerment, each an aggravated misdemeanor, and making firearms available to a minor, a serious misdemeanor.

According to a criminal complaint, Glick allowed a child access to a loaded firearm on Tuesday morning.

“The child was playing with the gun and pulled the trigger while (Glick) was sleeping. Both the child and (Glick) were injured. The bullet went through the wall and into a bedroom where two other children were sleeping,” it reads.

The injuries were considered non-life threatening, and the other two children were not injured. Hearing, plea and trial information were not yet available at presstime.


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