
74th annual Assistance League Charity Ball slated for Dec. 7

The purpose of the Assistance League of Marshalltown is to “help those in need through charitable giving and volunteering, so that we can positively impact our community and increase community pride.” Its largest fundraiser of the year is the Charity Ball, now in its 74th year. It will take place Dec. 7 at Elmwood Country Club. RSVPs are due by Nov. 19.

This year’s theme is “Merry & Bright,” which was decided by decorations chair Jonell Wittkop.

“Every year, for as long as we’ve had charity balls, there’s been a different theme every year,” said Charity Ball Event Chair Sara Faltys.

Social hour will kick off festivities at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m., and a dance to follow. Formal attire is preferred.

She noted that the DJ would start with tunes such as waltzes and move up through the decades to today’s music.

“I kind of like that idea to allow for everybody who attends to enjoy some music too, because sometimes we just get stuck in the current music and they need to be able to come out and dance and show us their style too,” she said of playing a diversity of grooves. “I’m excited to encourage that this year.”

There will be a small silent auction, offering “experience packages” only, such as major league baseball tickets, college basketball tickets and private dinners for 8 to 10 people (hosted in Marshalltown).

Tickets are $125 each, payable via check, or new this year, online: https://assistanceleagueofmarshalltown.myshopify.com.

Please specify any dietary restrictions or attendee table preferences at checkout. You can also offer a donation only via the online portal.

“The Shopify link has been wonderful. We thought it was good to shift to this, or send a check if that’s your thing,” she added.

Assistance League membership is a commitment of six years.

“Some stay longer, but when you leave, we give you the title of Sustainer. Our sustainers have wanted us to not look at this event as a fundraiser — we want it to be more of a celebration — a night where you can get dressed up, have a nice dinner and dance,” she noted.

Last year, the Assistance League had 214 people attend the ball. Money raised benefits entities in Marshalltown and Marshall County. Assistance League of Marshalltown was started in 1938 and is made up of 40 women.

“Since we started, we’ve given $1.6 million back to the community since 1938,” Faltys said.

Assistance League meetings are held monthly September through May. Requests cannot be voted on during the months of June through August. Requests must be received by the 20th of the month. For projects $250 and under, there is a one-month consideration period for funding projects. If the project receives support, The Assistance League will notify you of the amount approved during the third week of the month, one month after the request was received. For projects $251 and over, there is a two-month approval process. If the project receives support, The Assistance League will notify you of the amount approved during the third week of the month, two months after the request was received.

Areas that have received funding include: arts and culture, community development, education, environmental improvement, health and human services, historic preservation and recreation.

“The goal of our organization is to support our community while being fiscally responsible with our funds,” she said.

Send requests for funding to the President of Assistance League at PO Box 3, Marshalltown, Iowa 50158, or emailed to alofmarshalltown@gmail.com. Only written requests will be considered.

“We need people or organizations to reach out to us and complete a really short application to request a donation, or assistance with a project,” Faltys said. “The request committee reviews the requests, researches them, and determines if they want to fully fund the request, or whatever we can give. Then our whole group votes on it…We’ve been part of a lot of big projects in Marshalltown.”

Other fundraising endeavors include the annual spring thrift sale and the sale of pot pies.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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