
MPD, MFD host ‘Soccer with the Squad’ at Veterans Memorial Coliseum

PHOTOS BY JAKE RYDER — Members of the Marshalltown Police and Fire Departments played some indoor soccer with kids of all ages at Wednesday’s “Soccer with the Squad” event at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Marshalltown.

Dozens of kids of all ages played indoor soccer with members of the Marshalltown Police and Fire Departments as part of Wednesday’s “Soccer with the Squad” event at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Marshalltown.

This year is the second iteration of the event, one of several activities the Marshalltown Police Department runs to provide both community outreach and family fun, including “Cops & Bobbers” at Sand Lake, “Cops on the Court” at the Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA, and more.

Officers and firefighters, most of them on-call and in full uniform, still took on the challenge of battling motivated youngsters on the indoor pitch, including a lopsided game pitting the adults against the children as the youth capitalized on their numbers advantage to score several early goals.

The event was held in conjunction with Marshalltown Parks and Recreation, which also offered sign-ups for 2025 spring and summer youth sports at the Coliseum during the indoor soccer event.

Another opportunity for Marshalltown Area Youth Sports Association sign-up will be this Saturday, Jan. 25 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, located 20 West State Street in Marshalltown. The organizations participating in the sign-ups include Marshalltown Girls Softball, Marshalltown Area Soccer Club, Marshalltown Little League, Marshalltown Youth Foundation, and Bobcat Tennis Academy. For more information, search Marshalltown Parks and Recreation Department on Facebook or visit the Parks and Recreation Department section of the Marshalltown city website at www.marshalltown-ia.gov.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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