
Essential Child Immunizations

Summer is winding down and children are heading back to their normal routines. This is also a time many families go to the doctor for physicals and vaccines. The vaccines children receive can be the parent’s choice, but there are some that are required for school or child care. It is very important that children get the required vaccines before going to child care or school.

During the recent pandemic, experts found that some children and adults may not have all the vaccinations they need. This caused the number of children who have all the required vaccinations in to go down in Iowa and across the nation. The recent 2022 annual report from the Iowa Immunization Program shows the vaccination rate has gone down for 2-year-olds since 2018. To view the data more in-depth, please visit the 2022 Iowa Childhood Immunization portal at https://tracking.idph.iowa.gov/Portals/.

High vaccination rates matter. According to Iowa Immunizes, “Decreasing vaccination rates put communities at risk for outbreaks of dangerous and deadly diseases that are easily prevented with safe and effective vaccines. High rates of community vaccination protect those not able to receive vaccines, like very young children and people with compromised immune systems.”

Iowa’s Immunization Program can assist families and early childhood providers in understanding what vaccines and forms are required for child care and school, along with other frequently asked questions. Another great resource is the Iowa Immunization Law and You brochure which can be found at:


Wishing you a happy and healthy new school year!


Carrie Kube is a Director for the Iowa River Valley Early Childhood Area Board. All thoughts and opinions expressed are that of the author and not the Board and/or its community partners.

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