District 53 Newsletter from Rep. Dean Fisher
Week 2 of the session is done, and the committee work of moving bills through the system is well underway.
The first bill that I’ve begun to advance is a resolution, House Joint Resolution 1, that seeks to add the right to hunt, fish and trap to the state constitution. Our rights to these activities are constantly under attack from animal rights groups, therefor it is imperative that we amend the constitution to “future proof” these rights. Currently, 23 states have some form of right to hunt, fish and trap in their constitutions, with Vermont leading the way as early as 1777. I’ve filed this bill several times now, I hope this year it finally gets passed by both chambers. The amendment is supported by the NRA, Ducks Unlimited, the Iowa Conservation Alliance, the Izaak Walton League, Iowa Bowhunters Assoc. and many other sportsman oriented groups. And of course, the Sierra Club and the Humane Society of the US are opposed. I chaired this subcommittee on Wednesday, passing the bill 2-1 with the Democrat member of the committee opposed to protecting these rights.
This week, the Education committee passed House Study Bill 30 out of subcommittee. This bill requires all students in high school to pass the U.S. Citizenship test in order to graduate. Under this bill, students would need to answer at least 60% of the questions correctly to pass. They can retake the exam as many times as needed. It also explicitly states that no fee will be associated with this test. Last year, the Iowa Legislature passed a bill to reprioritize history and civics in education by requiring the State Board of Education to include minimum standards related to US History, western civilization, civics and Iowa history. It’s clear when you talk to young people today that history and civics has become somewhat of a second-class subject, this must be changed. Our goal is to ensure that Iowa graduates leave high school with a fundamental understanding of our government, our freedoms and the importance of civic engagement. Passing the same test required to become a U.S. Citizen is a great bar to set for all Iowa students.
This Session, Speaker Pat Grassley formed a new committee called the Higher Education committee tasked with taking a comprehensive look at Iowa’s higher education system. Over the past few years, we’ve done great work to refocus our regent institutions on providing quality education and preparing our workforce. However, the regents are not the only institutions who benefit from taxpayer dollars, therefore this committees work will encompass all our higher education institutions. The state has a vested interest in ensuring state dollars are being used to address workforce shortages rather than enforce ideological agendas. This week, the committee released 14 bills for consideration. These bills include ideas to make college more affordable, review academic programs’ alignment with the state’s workforce needs, ensure students are free from indoctrination and eliminate DEI from all institutes of higher education, among other ideas.
As always, I look forward to seeing you at the capitol, or in the district.
Contact Rep. Dean Fisher at 515-281-3221 or dean.fisher@legis.iowa.go