Vote no on library levy
If current funding for the library is no longer adequate, why then did they hire a coordinator to recruit volunteers?
The library should live within the budget it has. It does not need to be open on Sunday, hire more staff and bring exciting, diverse programs to the library. The library should not be in the entertainment business at taxpayer expense.
As for the assumed 800 to 1,000 residents who use the library daily, how many of them are just using meeting rooms, and not using books and technological resources?
The library funding has remained flat for five years, but many people’s incomes have remained flat for many more years than that.
If this levy is passed, the next thing will be that the library director will want a pay raise because of more responsibility. These kinds of votes have a snowball effect on the taxpayers.
Voters, don’t let this tax increase sneak in on us. Vote no to the library levy on Nov. 3.