Vote yes for library levy
The Marshalltown Public Library is a warm, colorful, welcoming place to gather, browse, study and appreciate public art. In a recent Letter to the Editor of the Times-Republican, Rick Deines declared that our library is the “best place in town.” I couldn’t agree more.
Library revenue comes primarily from the city and the county. For the past five years, the Marshalltown Library budget has remained flat. Current funding for the library is no longer adequate to maintain the current level of our collection, programs, services and staffing. The Friends of the Library work to promote library programs and provide additional financial support for the library.
The levy proposition on the Nov. 3 ballot is asking Marshalltown voters to support an increase in the amount of taxpayer funding the Marshalltown Library receives.
Marshalltown’s public library is a remarkable institution which serves many needs in our community. In 2014 alone, 287,092 items were checked out of the library, 298,561 people visited the library, 57,023 people logged onto the library computers, and more than 14,000 people attended one of the 465 library programs offered last year. An additional 7,828 people used library meeting rooms.
The staff members of our public library generously and graciously provides extensive library services which ensures that the Marshalltown Library is the warm, welcoming community center citizens expect it to be.
With additional funding our energetic and capable staff will be able to bring exciting new, diverse programs for all ages to the library. In addition, the library would be able to increase hours of operation by providing service seven days a week, while increasing the number of volumes added to the collection and increasing and updating technology options.
In the event that the levy fails to pass, I fear that our library will face the possibility of a reduction in hours of operation along with significant cuts in funding for the collection, programs and cutting edge technology-or some possible combination of all of these.
I urge you to vote YES for the library levy on Nov. 3.
Thank you for your support!
Vote yes for library levy
In regard to the recent letter concerning the upcoming library levy, that’s just it – the CURRENT funding is going to be cut substantially.
If this levy doesn’t pass, look for a lot less in the way of books, videos, reference materials, activities for adults and children, etc., etc., etc.
And that part-time volunteer coordinator was hired – not with city dollars, but through a grant – to get a lot more help – needed help – without hiring more staff.
And that staff, including our very frugal director, cut costs every way they can, still trying to provide all the request we library-users make!
Marshalltown is constantly making all kinds of improvements – that’s why we are an “All-American City” and the library being open on Sunday only adds to that image. We have so many hard working people in this city; let them use our library any day they want to – or need to!
Vote YES!