
Some articles worth noting

Thank you for printing the following articles recently. I wish to note them and add comments.

“Outdoors today,” Feb. 7; Gary Brandenburg plainly describes earths climate cycles. In the next to last paragraph he accurately describes politicians attempts to distract the public into thinking otherwise. A perfect example is John Kerry, the new Climate Envoy, who thinks nothing of using private jet travel (ironically to attend climate conferences) while insisting that the rest of us use public transportation.

“The inequality of equity,” Feb. 3; Ben Shapiro explains the difference between equity and equality. There is a difference. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see sports teams live up to their slogans by ensuring that everyone on the roster plays equal minutes in every contest.

“Power to the people 2.0,” Feb. 4; Cal Thomas writes that popularity of the home schooling movement is rising. Local parents of school age children should be aware that social engineering is alive and well in a district near you. One of its basic tenets is that to be born white is to be born racist.


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