Climate scientists are fleecing the public
Thank you for publishing the Associated Press article Jan.6 page A2 titled “Scientists explore Thwaites, Antarctica’s ‘doomsday’ glacier.”
The article noted that the US and UK will jointly spend $50,000.000 (fifty million dollars) and “more than two months” investigating water temperature, ice thickness, cracks and the sea floor in the Antarctic. So in two months plus, they propose to find out how much “seas could rise if it all melts — more than two feet over hundreds of years.”
It doesn’t take a scientist to figure out that water near Antarctica would warm and cool in a natural cycle. Ice can crack and re-freeze for the same reason.
The scientists would have us believe that a “large chunk” will break off and raise the sea level. At what point on the planet’s oceans/seas could that even be accurately measured and accurately attributed to a “large chunk” of floating ice?
They must have skipped the lab experiment at school that proved that even ice cubes melting in water do not raise the water level.
The mission is nothing more than a very expensive dream vacation at the public’s expense for scammers posing as scientists.
Please continue educating the public and accelerate the publication of articles that expose the climate alarmist scams.