
Why not our town? Vote yes

Mom, our schools are some of the nicest in the state.

I had a full circle moment with my high school senior Carson last week. We don’t get to ride together in the car very often so I was thrilled to have a little chitchat time with him. He looks at me and he’s looking at the construction at the high school and he said mom we have some of the nicest schools in all of Iowa at Marshalltown and he said our sports facilities too — they are so nice.

I was absolutely stunned because I think back to car rides with my son TJ 9 years ago and had the exact opposite conversation with him — at that time he said mom why can’t we have nice things in Marshalltown. How come people don’t care about the Bobcats enough that we have as nice facilities as these other schools — why not us?

Wow! What a full circle moment — it makes me proud to be a Bobcat, and it makes me proud of Marshalltown and the investment we’ve made in our facilities and our schools. Let’s keep this going. Please vote yes for the PPEL levy coming up. Let’s keep investing in our schools and our facilities and keep this ball rolling. Trust in the administration and the school board to do the right things with the money as they are doing right now. This is something we’ve already been paying, and it’s the right thing for our schools and our students. Please vote yes!

Starting at $4.38/week.

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