
Who is God?

Our Bible study has been through the scriptures many times, including some of the Old Testament books. We have decided that we will look at the times God has intervened in the world, from creation to the “Day of the Lord.” What we will see is that God has never been out of reach of His people, the people just didn’t reach out to Him. We studied creation, anger, murder, sin and watched how the Creator handled those items. We discussed the reasons we thought God brought them to His people. Was it a gift, or correction? Here are some truths that we discovered from scripture; God has the right to discipline his people, or those who choose Him. This is God’s world, He only allows us to use it, for His benefit. We are to use what we have to help others to know who God is and what our responsibilities are. Creation does have an ending, at His appointed hour: it is called “The day of the Lord.” From Cain’s murder of his brother Abel, to the end of time, we have the responsibility to find God and be reunited to him. If we are serious about being in Eternity, we must find Him on the living side of life. Sin separated us and we have no way of getting ourselves to Eternity. But God does and there is only one way, through his son Jesus. We must see that our entry to eternity can only be gained by believing in the Messiah, repenting, and changing the way we live. The belief we display to the Messiah will cause us to be strong in our attitude and proof that we know His word is true. Jesus’ states that He is the only way, the truth and the light and no one can get into Heaven, except by believing in Him. That is a powerful claim that everyone must deal with. Often people claim they want nothing to do with religion. They do not want anyone to make a statement that they are religious. They have that right but they do not realize satan is happy when they are strong in their rejection of the Messiah. There is no other way to be saved from this world! If we don’t reach out to Jesus in life, He cannot reach out to us in death.


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