
Perspectives on the 4th Ward council race

Two candidates have stepped forward to run for the open 4th Ward seat. This time the council chose election rather than appointment to fill the vacancy as in the past (overturned by petitions). Each has presented background, education, experience, and focus on carrying on the service and leadership offered by the ate Al Hoop as potential assets to offer the community. Successful process improvement first focuses on what the community needs NOW to define current roadblocks and solutions to provide a firm and sustainable foundation for progress and growth to achieve objective, manageable and measurable quality improvement. This requires more than rhetoric, quantitative analysis, and branding (marketing). These all have a role to play, but without a sustainable and measurable foundation, we spend too much time, energy, and capital on rework, wasted limited resources, and internal policy disputes. Our elected officials need to move beyond passion and vision to realistic growth goals with analysis of costs of these goals to the citizens. Long-range, data-based financial planning, realistic target markets, and consideration of external competition for labor, capital, and material resources from the surrounding region are critical. This election is a step to the wider event taking place next time. I have talked with both candidates and offered my viewpoint. Both have unique assets to offer. The issue for both is where and when these assets would have the most short and long range impact. The city needs an individual NOW to provide experience and expertise in financial analysis and sustainable resource development, small business and technical project management, and a commitment to carrying on the perspective and service offered for so long by Mr. Hoop. Also needed is an individual who can expertly guide our minority populations through the civic process, providing objective solutions to a variety of challenges. This is a longer range process dependent upon the NOW above. I have told both candidates where I believe they best fit in. Mr. Eaton is the best choice to fit the NOW needs of helping to get city processes on a positive track. Ms. Fonseca’s best role is in running for an at-large position next time where she could directly support all of the city’s minority population-4th ward has a limited number of this population and a higher income profile than 1st and 2nd wards. She would gain more exposure to both public and behind the scenes city activity during the next few months and become known to a wider number of Marshalltown citizens.

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