Unreal driving
I don’t think driving in Marshalltown can get any worse. At 6th St. and Merle Hibbs I had one car coming from the west shoot out in front of me and one from the east then started to pull in front of me. When I layed on the horn the woman looked at me with confusion on her face. They had stop signs I did not.
At 9th St. and Summit, by the armory, a car coming from the north and one coming from the south didn’t even attempt to stop at the stop signs. Right across the street. Then I was going south on 12th Ave. the other morning and an old van couldn’t wait to get around a slow moving piece of equipment. He passed that guy and the truck following with flashers on.
It was a double yellow line right before the Southridge intersection. I was glad no vehicle was coming off Southridge heading north.
Sunday I was eastbound on Iowa Ave. W. and a pickup flew out in front of me from the north and almost lost it trying to stay on the pavement. He had a load of 4x4s in the back. I wondered if he was fleeing.
Of course May St. is still dealing with all the speeding vehicles. Even with the scooter and bicycle kids on the street. We just don’t count. Maybe the new councilperson can get us some help.
Drivers are unaware or just don’t care. Everyone is just in too big a hurry. Like the guy with the 4x4s. He got stuck at the red light on 14. Way to go buddy. Can you imagine what all the other drivers are seeing everyday?