
Volunteers always needed

Friday night I was late getting to the Harvest Market on 13th Street. Like, really late.

By the time I pulled up, the Pork Tornadoes were on their last couple of songs, the food trucks were shutting down, people were leaving the show and the very-tired leaders and volunteers of the 13th Street Harvest Market were busy picking up the trash and garbage bags so as not to leave a mess behind.

This got me to thinking.

Councilman Jeff Schneider shared some disappointing information with me a while back. It seems that there is a nationwide trend of less volunteering in their communities, and it’s been happening for quite a while. Why? Are people just too busy or do people just “assume” that all of these events that make their community worth living in will continue forever? I really don’t know….

If the trend that Jeff and I talked about happens Marshalltown, some could be lost. Who wants that? Not my family and I’m guessing not your family either.

Think about all of the wonderful events that you love to go to in Marshalltown. Bee Ridiculous Days, Oktemberfest, Harvest Market, The Christmas Stroll on Main, the 4th of July Celebrations, community clean-ups just to name a few. Think about all of the youth soccer coaches, MFL Football coaches, Scout leaders, school boosters and volunteers that put in thousands of hours of their own valuable time to make it all go for everyone in Marshalltown, including you. Almost all volunteers!

These extraordinary people are worth their weight in gold, and then some. They help create events and activities to make our community soar.

So, this is what I am asking. Thank a volunteer that you know, and think about volunteering for something yourself. Help them out!

The good news is that you don’t need experience, they will be more than happy to show you how you can help. Let’s buck this ugly nationwide trend in Marshalltown. It will make you feel good.

We can do this, after all…..WE ARE MARSHALLTOWN.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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