Thankful people
America has chosen November as a time to remember our blessings. Just as God created and blest Israel, He did that for America too. Who can deny that a miracle happened on November 5, 2024. Surviving two assassination attempts Donald Trump became our Next President, handily. He also survived the lies, the nasty misquotes by the over-zealous news organizations. They surely must have known they were printing misinformation. For four years now, this world could be a better place to live. Many anti-religious folks angrily say that their “Abortion rights have been taken away.” God never gave humans the right to kill innocent children, it was militant people who did that. Now, those same folks dislike Trump for making them become responsible for their children’s lives. Israel had their own way of aborting unwanted children, they callously threw them in the town dump that was always burning. We must protect the child instead of disposing of them. Humans were created to work with God, not against him. I am glad that for a short time, we will have some sanity in our government. In John’s Gospel 17:1-26, Jesus thanks God for those people of all ages who have accepted Him as their Savior. God has placed us in His care; Jesus has taken our sins with Him to the cross. I believe God will have more blessings for America when we learn to live as citizens of His Kingdom. Looking ahead with thankful minds we ought to see that new opportunities wait our decisions. I pray we can tell the World that the word of God is powerful and lives forever. His Kingdom calls us, it beckons that we come to the cross in thankfulness.