
Bobcats rolled by Roughriders

DES MOINES — The Marshalltown baseball team was swept by Des Moines Roosevelt in Wednesday’s Iowa Alliance Conference doubleheader, falling 26-0 and 20-2 to the host Roughriders.

The Bobcats (1-4) had just three hits in the twinbill while committing a combined 11 errors and issuing 18 free passes.

“Tonight we were not consistent on throwing strikes and fielding the ball,” said MHS head coach Colton Hanke. “I give credit to Garrett Thede and Luke Stalzer coming in relief to finish out the games. We’ve got two more games [Thursday] at Mason City and I’m hoping our guys are willing to bounce back from tonight to finish the week on a more positive note.”

Thede, an eighth-grader took the ball in relief of game one sophomore starter Yordanie Mella, who walked six of the nine batters he faced. Thede struck out the first two batters and finished the final three innings, allowing 11 hits and 17 runs — nine earned — while walking three and striking out three.

Zander Stupp’s two-out single in the top of the fourth was the Bobcats’ only base knock against Aiden Vens, who struck out nine and walked one.

Freshmen JJ Schoenfelder and Stalzer combined to pitch in game two, allowing a combined 13 hits and 20 runs — 15 earned — while walking six and hitting one batter each.

Sam Greazel went 2-for-3 with an RBI single that capped the Bobcats’ two-run fourth. Walks to Stupp, Treyton Gilliland, Schoenfelder and Ashton Wright plated the first run, and Greazel followed with a run-scoring single.

Roosevelt pitcher Joe Schwiesow walked seven and struck out eight in the win.


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