Community calendar
• Noon Lions, Noon, at the American Legion Hall
• Marshalltown Alcoholics Anonymous, Noon, at 1311 E. Nevada St.
• Mid-Iowa Triumph Recovery Center, Noon, is open at new location, 101 W. Main St. in the rear. (door on First Street.) The center is open until 4 pm. The Center is for anyone 18 and older dealing with mental health/emotional issues past or present. The Center offers a safe place for peers to work on their recovery with support and activities.
• Region 6 Planning Commission, Noon, will meet in Meeting Room 1 Marshall County Courthouse SW corner, 1 E. Main St. Agenda: Current Balance Sheet and Check Register; Current Planning Projects; Review and approve 2016/17 Audit report; Action on Hayes & Associates Audit proposal for FY 2017/18;Region 6 Planning Board Member discussion; Discuss draft FY 2018/19 Budget and goals
• Progressive 500, 1 p.m., at the Senior Center, first floor. Shuffleboard courts open daily. Coffee and other refreshments available. Computers and Internet service available for games or personal use
• YMCA-YWCA Card Party, 1 p.m., to 3:30, at the Henry-Horne Center Party Room.
• Marshalltown Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., at 1311 E. Nevada St.
To have an event listed in the Community Calendar, e-mail The T-R reserves the right to limit listings to nonprofit entities.