
Outdoors Today

Wildlife in abundance

How many wild critters are there in Iowa? Well, it is impossible to count each individual bird species, insect, reptile, amphibian, mammal, or invertebrate. Biologists focus on habitats where these animals live and are specifically adapted to. To a huge extent, if the habitat is of adequate ...

Low river flow not the lowest

Water in the river is just one measurement, a barometer of sorts, or an indicator we can try to grasp, of how dry the land is after meager rains of this past summer. Has the Iowa River in Marshall County ever been lower? Yes, many times in past centuries and decades. The flip side of that ...

Sizzling summer photo opportunities

August is here, and us humans may prefer some other kind of daily weather that is a touch cooler. Never satisfied, humans can be a vain bunch. How about trying to adapt to daily weather, a good thing, and then when next January arrives with an abnormal cold spell, we can resume complaining ...

Wonder of Wildlife Museums = excellence

The Wonders of Wildlife Museum and Aquarium certainly lives up to its reputation. From first person reports this scribe has listened to, and numerous advertisements promoting one to see for yourself, a destination of travel to Springfield, Mo., was well worth my time and effort. All I can ...

Red fox and red-tailed hawk

Predation: it is an essential part of life, whether in the wildlife give and take of life and death, or in a more constrained and husbandry role of livestock raising and feeding. Ultimately, one form of life is utilized to sustain the lives of others. This process of predation has been ...

Prairie flowers color the landscape

Blazing Star (Liatris pycnostachya) is a colorful and unique looking prairie plant. Its tall slender spike stems support lavender colored flowers during July and August. To see them in person, I highly recommend taking a journey to the Marietta Sand Prairie anytime during this and next ...