
Our town, our people — Anne Vance


“Our town, our people” is a weekly Q&A with a local resident who is active in the community. Have a suggestion for someone we should talk to? Email T-R news editor Emily Barske at ebarske@timesrepublican.com. 

Anne Vance is the director of administrative services at Central Iowa Residential Services Incorporated (CIRSI). Anne has lived in Marshalltown since 1981.

Q: What are you passionate about?

A: “Probably two things: one being enhancing the lives of people with disabilities. I want them to have opportunities and to be a part of the community that they live in, and two, I’m passionate about sports photography.”

Q: What community activities do you participate in?

A: “I go to mostly all the Bobcat sporting events and I take pictures. I have my own website, and I put pictures on the website so kids can see them. [I] try to make them reasonably priced, so they can purchase.”

Q: What do you enjoy about this community?

A: “I came from Michigan, and it was a small town in Michigan, but it was close to big cities. I love the slower pace of midwestern Iowa living. I think it’s good for kids, much better for kids to grow up in it. I love that the [town] is laid-back. That we are exposed to all kinds of people and cultures. And that we develop, shall I say, a tolerance of their cultures and what things are important to them. And try to find the common ground. Not only identify what is different between a culture and a culture I grew up, but also an acceptance of that culture.”

Q: What changes do you feel need to be made in the community?

A: “I think, especially after the tornado, there was a certain amount of kindness, and I would like to see that continue. That we don’t need a huge event to be kind to our neighbor, or be kind to our friends. Like when the tornado came, my son was a part of the baseball team, and they would help in getting trees down, and things like that. We all need to help when we can.”

Q: What advice would you pass on to young people?

A: “Get involved with something. My kids were big into sports, but that’s not for every kid. But there’s tons of opportunities to get involved: spend a couple days working at the food bank, get involved in your church activities … invest in your community. It makes it better. We all have things that we can share and give, but if we don’t give of ourselves, you’re never going to experience it.”

Q: What social activity or event would you like to see come Marshalltown and why?

A: “I’m not sure. I’m usually not speechless.”


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