
ARL of Marshalltown Assists ARL of Iowa with dog rescue

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS ARL Marshalltown Kennel Manager Chris Briney and Office Manager Teresa Smith welcome ARL Iowa Foster and Transfer Manager Becca Chubbic while she unloads the first of our new soon-to-be adoptable dogs.

BOONE — On Thursday, September 28, the Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown (ARL Marshalltown) accepted three dogs from Boone County, Iowa. These three smaller adult males, a combination of poodles and doodles, will be available for adoption in the coming weeks. When adopted, they will all have been neutered and be up-to-date on all shots and vaccinations.

On Friday, September 15, 2023, the ARL of Iowa reached out to shelters around the State of Iowa seeking assistance with nearly 100 dogs. That same day, the ARL of Iowa and Boone County Humane Society rescued these dogs from a breeder in Boone County. When asked, ARL Marshalltown answered “yes.”

“We wish we could have taken in more of these dogs for adoption in Marshall County,” said Board President Jim Sams. “Unfortunately, our kennels are already filled with dogs looking for their forever homes.”

“We are so grateful for all of the support of our community members,” said Deirdre Gruendler, Interim Executive Director. “Now, we need our community to help us out by opening their hearts and homes to the more than 70 dogs and 150 cats in our care.”

“Our ability to be supportive when our shelter partners call with a dire need is directly related to the number of animals we already have in our care,” added Sams.

ARL Marshalltown’s three dogs from the Boone County rescue explore their new surroundings after a busy few days of grooming, healthcare, and movement to new facilities.

2023 has been a busy year for the ARL of Marshalltown so far.

• Number of animals accepted by ARL Marshalltown since January 1, 2023: 752

• Number of cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies currently available: 230+

• Average number of hours per day required to care for animals at ARL Marshalltown: 50

• Estimated retail cost of food to feed our animals per year: $80,000

About the Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown

The mission of the Animal Rescue League of Marshalltown (ARL Marshalltown) is to provide a safe haven for lost, homeless and abused companion animals; to help reunite lost companion animals with their family; to find new homes for adoptable abandoned animals; and to aid in strengthening the human to animal bond.

ARL Marshalltown is a 501c3 non-profit animal shelter that finds homes for adoptable animals. We provide care for surrendered, abused, abandoned and stray dogs and cats and other animals from Marshall County. We have been matching people and pets for over 60 years. ARL Marshalltown is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors that is committed to using their expertise and passion to fulfill ARL Marshalltown mission and vision.

If you’d like to make a gift to support the care of all animals at ARL Marshalltown, you can send your gift directly to ARL Marshalltown, 1921 Taylor Avenue, Marshalltown, IA, 50158. To make a gift by credit card, to learn about our foster program, or learn about volunteering, call ARL Marshalltown at 641-753-9046.


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