

Employee turnover. So many hiring managers dread finding and hiring new talent for their teams. Iowa Valley isn’t immune to this — we are working through employee transitions throughout our organization (from the top, down.)

For better or worse, employee turnover is a reality in today’s dynamic business landscape. While turnover can be seen as a challenge for organizations, it also presents a valuable opportunity to rethink and strategically evaluate hiring needs. By adopting a proactive and forward-thinking approach, companies can transform turnover into a catalyst for growth and innovation.

When an employee leaves, it presents a chance to reassess the organization’s hiring needs holistically. This goes beyond merely replacing the departing individual.

It involves evaluating the existing team composition, identifying skills gaps, and considering how the new hire can contribute to the company’s long-term goals. Organizations can take this as an occasion to realign their talent acquisition strategies, ensuring that new hires not only fill immediate vacancies but also contribute to the overall growth and success of the company.

Turnover provides an opportunity for companies to analyze team dynamics and the impact of individual contributions. By evaluating how the departure of an employee affects team dynamics, leaders can identify areas for improvement, enhance collaboration, and capitalize on the strengths of their remaining team members. This strategic perspective encourages organizations to focus on the long-term health and performance of their teams.

Employers looking to create a high-performing workforce have a few tools at their disposal. Unlike ever before, they can hire someone who will complement their team dynamics and rely on training partners to make sure the right person for the job has the right skills.

Businesses can leverage training partners (like Iowa Valley Business and Community Solutions) to ensure that the people they bring in will have the technical skills for the positions they are hired for. BCS can train on technical skills, interpersonal skills, and offer certifications in a wide variety of subject matters.

BCS can also help with long-term strategies for recruitment such as creating work-based learning opportunities for high school students or developing programs that provide existing employees an opportunity to grow from within. Whether you have short-term or long-term recruitment goals, BCS is here to help.

On the other hand, employees working towards their next promotion have training tools at their disposal, too. In BCS, we provide a whole host of open-enrollment courses so that workers can upskill where they need it most. We can offer certifications that will resonate with employers. Whether you are looking for a promotion or want to change industries completely, we can help.

Turnover can feel like a negative thing, but it doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your team. Look at it as an opportunity for growth and renewal. It’s a time to rethink your strategy and position yourself well for years to come. And let us help – our team is here to serve you. If you want to peek at our services, check out ce.iavalley.edu. We look forward to helping your business move forward!


Jacque Goodman is the vice president of business and community solutions for the Iowa Valley Community College District.


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