
Is Marshall County a good place to raise a family?

“”Is Marshall County a good place to raise a family?” It’s a familiar question. Whether I’m recruiting, talking up my home community, or spotlighting what’s new and what’s on the horizon, I’m accustomed to receiving this question. Marshall County is a great place to raise a family. Reasons big and small led me to this conclusion. Of those reasons these are the highlights.

Housing is affordable. According to the Iowa Association of Realtors, the median sales price of a single-family home in Marshall County through June 15th of this year was $185,000. Nearby communities like Ames and West Des Moines tend to draw the curiosity of relocating families, but that doesn’t mean those communities are affordable. At a median sales price of $278,000 in Story County, $289,990 in Polk County, and $379,900 in Dallas County, families feel the financial gut punch of buying a home in those communities. That’s not the case here. Buying a family home in Marshall County won’t leave the family house poor. Family income remains for other needs, savings, and family vacations to make memories together.

Marshall County has great public and private schools. Outstanding educators in our community passionately pursue student growth and success. Our schools are forward-thinking and prepare students for careers after graduation – not just the next job. Parents get to choose between smaller or larger districts. Unique culture and traditions make the experiences offered at each school more meaningful. Plan a visit and walk away impressed by all the great things our schools are doing. Attend a family event hosted by our public and private schools and try to not fall in love with what they are doing for students.

Families win in Marshall County because community and business leaders are investing in sustainable growth. Business leaders are seeking and finding budding entrepreneurs in a community that shops locally. The Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce is working hard to identify and capitalize on opportunities to turn our community into a destination grandparents and friends will want to visit again…and again. Families dining out or parents on date night have a variety of restaurants to choose from in Liscomb, Haverhill, Marshalltown, Le Grand, and State Center. Taste and see all our community has to offer.

Ready to get the family outside? Trek out to one of the many playgrounds all over Marshall County. Need to beat the heat? Grab a swimsuit and cool off at State Center’s splash pad or float down the Marshalltown Aquatic Center’s lazy river. Looking for something low key? Lace up your hiking shoes and hit the trails at Grimes Farm or cast a line in the lake at the Green Castle Recreation Area. Want to go for a ride? Spend an afternoon enjoying Iowa’s iconic natural beauty on the bike trails.

Emergencies happen. If your family needs to dial 9-1-1, Marshall County boasts exceptional emergency services. Law enforcement, dispatchers, firefighters, and ambulance services in our community answer the call of duty with hard work, skill, and integrity. Community members in emergency need are met by compassionate, caring people serving relentlessly for the good of others. In Marshall County’s small towns and rural areas, volunteer fire departments and ambulance crews pride themselves in providing excellent service. A family facing an emergency is in good hands in our community.

A wealth of family-friendly activities will keep families engaged, having fun, and making memories together. Area events, festivals, and trunk-or-treats provide options to explore, play, and connect. Bring the big bags to collect candy at Marshalltown’s epic Oktemberfest parade. Load lawn chairs in the trunk and enjoy the welcoming small-town atmosphere at Mousehole Days or the Rail-Trail Festival. Check out State Center’s Rose Festival in June. Arrive as a guest and leave as family.

Marshall County families get to live local. Our neighborhoods are walkable, with a community atmosphere cultivating opportunities for neighbors to grow in friendship. Kids can make neighborhood friendships to last a lifetime. Rush hour stop-and-go traffic is absent from the workday commute. Local businesses invest in knowing customers, making the effort to greet you by your first name each time you walk through the door…and they remember to ask about your spouse and kids. Following the 2018 tornado and 2020 derecho disasters, all of Marshall County came together with many hands to lift up one another. When the going gets tough we come together.

Strong and vibrant faith communities round out the list of reasons why Marshall County is a great place to raise a family. This is our community’s greatest strength. Active faith communities work hard to equip God’s people to be His hands and feet. Kids and young people are welcomed into safe, friendly, and fun environments to know and experience Jesus. The Marshall County Prayer Task Force covers our community and schools in prayer. From end to end, Marshall County’s faith communities are building up and supporting families to live well in grace. This will continue to be our greatest strength as long as we continue to humbly seek Jesus and love others with all that we are and all that we have.

“Is Marshall County a good place to raise a family?” It’s a great place to raise a family! The Gaffneys made the right decision in choosing to raise our family here. I am proud to call Marshall County home. Get out there too. Explore and experience all that Marshall County has for families. The next time someone asks you if Marshall County is a good place to raise a family, you’ll be ready.


Jordan Gaffney is the

Marshall County Attorney.


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