

Take action during Child Abuse Prevention Month

The officer took up his position across from the couch where the group of four were sitting. Two men. One woman, and a child. Probably four years old. Maybe five depending on nutrition or slow growth. From where the officer stood, he could see into the kitchen. Encrusted food caked the ...

Sharp-shinned hawk makes appearance

A Sharp-shinned hawk is one of nature’s speed machines, a fast and very agile flyer that can pursue small birds through thick forested stands of trees. It likes to ambush its prey from cover, or chase its prey for a quick grasp. Small songbirds are on its menu which includes sparrows, wood ...

Hillary was right the first time

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton was criticized for her use of the word “superpredators” back in 1996. Some on the left laid into her, accusing Clinton of racism. Meanwhile, her opponent, Donald Trump, trying to sucker leftist Bernie Sanders voters into not voting ...


On the surface, perfectionism may seem harmless. After all, most of us strive to be our best every day. In reality however, perfectionism can become a desire to avoid mistakes, errors, and failures that—let’s be honest—are common in life. While not a psychological disorder in itself, ...

An open letter to advocates for Iowa AEAs

Thank you so much for your advocacy during the past three months as the Legislature has discussed and reviewed the Iowa Area Education Agency system. I received more than one thousand emails against changing the AEA structure. Iowans wanted a task force to get to the root cause of any issues. ...

It’s time Davenport leaders put down their shovels

City officials in Davenport have managed to accomplish the impossible this year: They have brought Republicans and Democrats in the Legislature together to agree on something. The two parties have bickered over topics like changes to the Area Education Agencies, liability protection for farm ...