

Spring is the season for assessment

Each spring, schools all across the state of Iowa prepare to take the annual standardized assessment. This year, schools will be taking the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) from March 11 to May 3. In Marshalltown, schools will be administering the assessment from April 17 ...

The fight for public schools

Over strong opposition from Iowans, the Governor signed a controversial bill this week that puts mental health, special education, reading recovery and other services at risk for our kids. It was a disappointing end for so many parents, educators and other Iowans who contacted lawmakers ...

State-Level marijuana legalization has been a stunning success

It’s been over a decade since Colorado and Washington became the first two states to legalize marijuana for adults. With the benefit of hindsight, it’s fair to ask: Has this policy been successful? Absolutely. A policy of legalization, regulation, and education is preferable to a policy ...

Colorblindness is America’s most transgressive idea

Writer Coleman Hughes went on “The View” and was greeted almost as though he had shown up wearing a white hood. Hughes, a soft-spoken black intellectual who is a political independent, was talking about his new book, “The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America.” ...

Give homegrown Iowa biofuels the green light

Spring is slowly but surely spreading across our great state, and that means one thing is certain: summer will be here before we know it. Many Iowans will spend their summers on the road, whether that looks like packing all the kids in the family minivan for vacation, jumping in the truck for ...

Cornfields, common sense and community

The twelfth week of session is over, and everyone is headed home for Easter weekend. Upon returning next week we will be continuing debate, confirming the appointees of the governor, and working to reach a final budget before the scheduled end the final session of the 90th Assembly on April ...