
Who is the real Messiah?

Our lives are different from the Old Testament days. In our study at Westown, we are reading the book of Hebrews. It is an intense lesson with a much-needed focus from the student. I believe Paul is the author of this material. Paul tells us that many times, and in different ways, God has revealed His son to us. We see that Jesus has the same characteristics as God but He is the only one who forgives sin, if we seek it.

After Jesus died on the cross, He went to sit on the right side of God, He is the only one having the keys to heaven. Paul is talking to the Jews who received Christ, then fell back into their old ways of worship. Paul takes these people through their sins of Angel-worship, worship of Abraham, of Melchisedec, the old Priesthood then back to Jesus.

God’s loving attitude sought the errant Jews. He sent the twelve disciples to pursue, preach and tell the good news about His Kingdom. A few of the Jews returned, but most of them stayed in their sins, believing in their dead-gods. There appears to be four branches of backsliding Jews; Paul helps us visit each group. There was a group that believed in Angel worship. Angels are nothing more than created heavenly helpers with limited powers.

Next, there was worship of Abraham’s faith. Because Abraham was faithful to God’s leading, many Jews said his faith covered them too. Some Jews fell away to be under the priests again. Paul, then moves us through the Melchisedec/Abraham story.

All that this event tells us is that Melchisedec was a good man who did right with his people. He was a non-Jew (Without birth and death). That only means he could not prove his lineage as all the Jews could. Paul winds up at the door of Heaven and the new Kingdom of Jesus. This was the Messiah they were expecting for a few thousand years, but they failed to understand the nature of God.

These Israelites were wanting to have a “King-David-fighting machine-Messiah.” Then they would be restored to national prominence again. God’s nature is love and peace. Paul says that their rejection was good news for the Gentiles. Those who accept Jesus will want to believe the 13th chapter when Paul reveals the real Jesus. He is the Messiah of love and compassion.

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