
Letter to the Marshalltown Public Library Board of Trustees

In August of 2022, Director Rosenblum offered to accept a free subscription to The Epoch Times from David B. if an additional 3 year’s subscriptions were included. He declined because the cost was prohibitive. Official policy was not followed in that matter. In 2023 the offer made to David B. was accepted by another patron. A lifetime subscription to The American Rifleman has been offered as well. In compromise, these offers still stand.

Ignoring MPL Mission Statement, Freedom to Read statement and the Library Bill of Rights, you voted not to PURCHASE the material. The offers of free subscriptions are an entirely different matter.

The world is a dangerous place, and patrons have the right to educate themselves of world events in numerous publications in their public library. Conversely it is the duty of MPL to abide by the 3 policies listed above, and provide requested popular, pertinent , and timely materials for that purpose.

I have had at least 10 Statements of Concern rejected, against policy,  and therefore not made agenda topics by Director Rosenblum.

I am requesting that one of you add this offer of compromise to the Feb. 27 board meeting agenda. The details could then be worked out.

I reiterate, the offer of compromise does not require any purchase by MPL, and you can boast that you do not subscribe to The American Rifleman and The Epoch Times.

This letter was sent to each Trustee and appears here for the public to read.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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