The clock is ticking
Tic-Toc Tic-Toc the clock is ticking for all of us. Old people die of old age, young people don’t know when the clock will stop ticking for them. The Bible says seek the Lord while He may be found. Look around you people, the world is in complete chaos, ran by mankind. The Bible tells us this is the way it will be during the end time.
Peter St. Onge, economic research fellow at Roe Institute for economic policy studies, said in an article that before 2020 the richest 1% of Americans controlled $30 trillion according to the Federal Government. Now four years later, they control $45 trillion. The COVID-19 pandemic is about the best thing to happen to the rich and powerful.
Now for the poor and working class we got all kinds of restrictions, we also got double digit inflation, cars and houses out of reach for most. Drug use and suicides are out of control. NBC News said 10 million illegals crossed our border in the last four years, plus over 100,000 drug deaths each of the last four years.
People unless you have had your head buried in the sand, you should know mankind cannot solve any chaos that’s overtaken the world. If you want a happy eternity, seek the God of the Holy Bible.
I want to leave you with two quotes from 1665 by William Gurnall in the public domain.
“There is but one heaven: miss that and where can you take up lodging but in hell. One Christ that can lead you to heaven; reject Him, and there remains no more sacrifice for sin.”
“Knowledge may make thee a scholar, but not a saint; orthodox, but not gracious. He that increaseth in knowledge, increaseth sorrow to himself, yea, eternal sorrow.”