
Your View

In support of David Blom

I first started getting to know David Blom a couple years ago. His optimism was the first observation I made about him. That he is a good listener was the second. As we talked about the issues of the time, I noticed he was knowledgeable and asked thoughtful questions. Clerking in the ...

When religion rules

Those who think religion should rule totally ignore history. Humanity already tried that. The worst such episode was called The Dark Ages. During that time organized masses of people slaughtered one another while attempting to insure that the religion they chose would set the rules, not only ...

Mother Teresa and the abortion debate

There exist times when we can listen but must also speak; for me, that moment has arrived. Today, abortion, now reduced to a discussion of women’s health, has forgotten the child. Certainly, medical crises may require an abortion; difficult, painful decisions are required of mothers and ...

A plea to vote, from two retirees

We are writing this letter to request that everyone reading takes the time to vote in the 2024 election. The beauty of casting your ballot is only possible when everyone votes for the candidate of their choice so that the majority’s voice is heard. As we have cast our votes consistently over ...

Your ignorance is showing

Money spent in a campaign for public office is voluntarily donated to the candidate. That money is put into a separate account and is then spent on anything the campaign needs, such as signage, advertising, mailings, etc. The state requires periodic reports to be filed giving the amount, date, ...

Trump’s agenda is dangerous

When Donald Trump was starting out in business an older lawyer named Roy Cohn was Trump’s mentor. He taught Trump 3 things: 1) Never admit to anything or defeat; 2) Attack, Attack, Attack and 3) Deny, deny, deny. Trump has been doing this for over 50 years. Michael Cohen, Trump’s former ...