
Bobcat softball slams Mason City in a sweep

MASON CITY — The Marshalltown softball team swept aside Mason City by scores of 13-4 and 7-1 in Thursday’s Iowa Alliance Conference doubleheader.

In the opener, sisters Laney and Briley Danielson both homered and Emma Stupp drove in four runs in support of Karsyn Price, who pitched the complete game. Price scattered 12 hits and one walk while striking out two, allowing only one earned run.

Laney hit a two-run homer in the first inning and Briley added a solo shot in the sixth. Stupp went 2-for-4 with a double, while Kate Sandvick was 2-for-5 with an RBI.

In the nightcap, Briley struck out 10 and walked two in a five-hitter, allowing no earned runs in the 7-1 win. Sandvick went 3-for-4 at the plate with a double, two runs scored and two RBIs, while Stupp was 2-for-4 with a double and two more RBIs. Gianna Baune had a hit in each game, including a triple in the opener, and scored four runs in all.


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