
Holiday breakfast for Prairieville Ladies

Prairieville Ladies Club met for a holiday breakfast at the Christmas decorated Binford House.

Hostesses were Karen Oaks, Jeanie Burt and Alyce Quastad. President Renie Loney presided at the business meeting. Thirteen members and one guest, Sally Ramirez, answered roll call, “What was a strict rule you had to follow growing up?”

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A thank you note from the Albion Library was read. The treasury balance was given.

After the business meeting the club held its annual make, bake or buy gift exchange. The next meeting will be Feb. 23 at the Copper Kettle at the Vets Home. All family members are invited.

Door prizes were won by Phyllis Mann, Bonita Wunn and Ramirez.


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