
Marshall County Auxiliary Spring Conference was April 13

Marshall County Spring Conference was held on April 13 at the Iowa Veterans Home Copper Kettle in Marshalltown. Reg. at 9 a.m. A board meeting was held at 9:30 a.m. Coffee, juice and fruit was served by hosting Marshalltown Unit. Pres. Stacy Bane called conference to order at 10 a.m. Parliamentarian was LaDonna Runner. Invocation given by Liscomb. A moment of silence was observed for the MIA/POW and deceased veterans. The flags were posted at head table, and the MIA/POW flag was on the wall. The National Anthem and Auxiliary Preamble was led by Bane.

Welcome was given by Marshalltown Barb Blake. Response by Beaman Unit. The 2024 Fall Conference will be hosted by Beaman and held in Beaman Memorial Hall on Sept. 21.

Roll call of officers: Pres. Bane, V.P. Laurel Degelau, Sec. Candy Wait and Treas. Jane Linnenbrink. Special guest was Wendy Riggle IVH Rep.

Roll call of Units: Members present and paid to date:

Beaman-1 51

Conrad-6 147

Laurel-1 36

Liscomb-2 24

Marshalltown-4 171

This is a report of what Units have done: sent Valentine, birthday and Christmas cards to veterans, take food to local food banks, furnish money and volunteers for IVH bingo, gave donations and gifts for IVH gift shop, participated in memorial day services and placed flags on veterans graves, distributed poppies, sent girls to girls state, took treats to schools and have a hospital equipment lending program.

Old Business: Bane will order a sticker for emblem that sits on podium, Runner made the motion and Blake seconded, Carried.

Deb Miller spoke about Third District Pres. Project, the cushions for IVH wheelchairs have been met, rest of money going to IVH new blanket machine fund, Third and Fourth district combined money to buy 1 machine for about $6,000.

Kelly Elliot and Bane are having a meeting April 21 to pick the Merit Award contest winners. The names will be in the Clipper.

Jo Ann Klein made a motion to give a Marshall County basket for Third District Spring Conference. Each Unit will give Bane $20, she will get gift cards to fill a purse donated by Degelau. Proceeds from this will go to Jr. Camp.

Bane brought up the idea for a fundraiser for Marshall County Conferences. Runner made a motion for each Unit to do a basket with new items or bring an item for silent auction. If the item does not sell, the Unit can take it home. Mary Ann Miller seconded, Carried. Silent auction will be at Fall Conference.

The District has raised the per capita to 40 cents a member.

Runner installed 2024-25 Marshall County officers. Pres. Degelau, V.P. Mae Darrow, Sec. Wait, Treas. Jane Linnenbrink.

IVH Rep Wendy Riggle gave a report, 402 residents; still have open rooms, Foreign Food Fair 115 residents came down. Had a Vietnam program, March 26 Dack West Wing had a fire, no injuries. Putting a sun shade over courtyard. Spring Carnival held April 13. Garden box planting May 7. Need for volunteers for the gift shop.

Bingo money giveaway going up to $1 a game and $5 blackout. Units need to furnish 20 – $1 bills and 2-$5 bills when it is that Unit’s turn. The third Friday of each month is Bingo at IVH. IVH shipped out 119,000 small poppies and 12,500 large poppies. Auxiliary might have another day at IVH to make poppies.

Marshalltown gave the registration report with 13 ladies present. All sang God Bless America.

Conrad Pres. Sue gave closing prayer.

Bane closed meeting at 11:35 a.m. Lunch tickets were provided for those wanting to stay and eat at IVH.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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