May Crowning at Ave Maria Study Club
The Ave Maria Study Club met May 10 at St. Henry in the Madonna Room.
A May crowning was held. The crowning opened with Dan Good leading the singing of “Immaculate Mary.” Anne Ramsdell crowned Mary. The women responded “pray for us” to the celebration “Prayer A Litany of Mary.” Jean Miller read the prayer “Salutation to The Blessed Virgin Mary” by St. Francis of Assisi. Sandy Good lead the praying of the Rosary. Rose Ann Jero and Gerry Best shared their experiences with faith calling on Mary during difficult times.
Refreshments were served by hostesses Jean Studts and Helen Ramsdell. They also had May baskets filled with popcorn and candy treats for the women.
The program entitled “The History of May Crowning” was presented by Marj Higgins. Devotion to Mary, Jesus’ mother, was popular since the earliest days of the church. In the 18th century in Italy, May was used as a time to honor Mary. In 1945, Pope Pius the XII solidified May as a Marian month after establishing the feast of the Queenship of May on May 31.
Good called the business meeting to order. Secretary Edith Podhajsky read the April minutes. They were approved as read. Higgins gave the treasurer’s report. The balance brought forward was $234.43. In April, as a thank you to Cindy Staron, a donation of $50 was made to the Emergency Food Box leaving a balance of $184.43.
The June meeting is scheduled for June 14. Dianne Maile moved that the club meet at Legends at 11:30. a.m. Best seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Good reminded everyone that a Mass for living and deceased members of Ave Maria Study Club will be at 4:30 p.m. on June 15 at St. Henry. Members are to meet in the narthex.
Good passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers to serve as hostesses and program committee members for next year.
Election of Officers for 2024-25 was held. There was no nomination for president. With the consent of the group Good and Jero agreed to serve another year in that capacity. Higgins agreed to serve another term as treasurer. As Podhajsky asked to be relieved of job as secretary, Maile moved that Mindy McDonald be nominated to serve as secretary. Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Good thanked Podhajsky for her many years of service as secretary and the wonderful articles that she wrote for the TR.
Everyone joined in praying the Prayer for Priests and the Act of Faith. Good asked God to bless everyone as the members close the year.