
MPD K9 teams earn Narcotics Detection Certification

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO — Pictured are the joint K9 Handlers of the Marshalltown Police Department and the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office. The teamwork of these two groups keeps the dogs and handlers in peak performance.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTO — Officer Ross Wolken receives the award for K9 Timber who won the Top Rookie Dog award.

Last week, Marshalltown Police Department K9 Teams attended the United States Police Canine Association Narcotics Detection Trial. The USPCA is an independent organization that tests K9 Teams and their ability to locate illegal drugs. The USPCA provides certification for any team that successfully completes the certification trial. The MPD K9 Teams each did a fantastic job and received extremely high scores from judges. K9 Teams are tested on the ability to locate hidden narcotics indoors and in vehicles.

Officer Nick Svoboda and K9 Atlas earned the Trifecta award, after successfully completing certifications in Patrol, Tracking and Narcotics Detection in the past year. Officer Ross Wolken and K9 Timber won the Top Rookie Dog award, finishing with the highest score of all first-time K9 Teams in the Region.

MPD K9 Handlers teamed up with their training partners from the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office. The teamwork of these two groups help keep Marshalltown and Marshall County safer.


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